Saturday, November 6, 2021, at 3 pm
Palo Alto Art Center, 1313 Newell Road, Palo Alto map
* guest performers  
Fantasy for violin and piano in C Major, Op. posth. 159 (D934)   Franz Schubert
Andante molto  
Allegro vivace  
performed by Seungja Kimn, violin; Hiroko Mizuno, piano
Lieder for contralto and piano   Johannes Brahms
I. Allegro con Brio  
   Meine Liebe ist grün  
   Dein blaues Auge  
   Wir wandelten  
   Wie Melodien zieht es mir  
   Sapphische Ode  
   Von ewige Liebe  
2. Vergebliches Ständchen  
3. Wiegenlied  
Siete canciones populares españolas   Manuel de Falla
performed by Malin Warod*, contralto; Jean Goyal, piano
Seungja Kimn, violin, was born and grew up in a music loving family in Seoul, Korea. Her brother is a pianist brother and a sister plays cello. She graduated with a Bachelor of Music degree from Seoul National University. Before her move to the United States she studied extensively at the Music Academy in Vienna, Austria.
Pianist Jean Goyal left her native Singapore in 1985 to pursue music in the United States. She earned her B.Mus. in chamber music and piano accompanying and a M.A. in musicology from Indiana University. Her Ph.D (ABD) from Stanford University was fortuitously interrupted by the birth of her first child. As her family has matured, she has rediscovered the joys of performing music, and through performance, returned to her study of music.
Contralto Malin Fritz Walrod has sung with many opera companies around the world including: The Metropolitan Opera, New York City Opera, The Spoleto Festival, Estonian National Opera, Sarasota Opera, Virginia Opera, and Florentine Opera. Malin specializes in oratorio and symphonic works and has appeared as a soloist with the Houston Symphony Orchestra, The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, The Virginia Symphony Orchestra, The Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, and the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra, among others. She has also performed at Tanglewood and at Carnegie Hall. Here in California she has performed as a soloist with the San Francisco Ballet Orchestra, The Pacific Symphony Orchestra, West Edge Opera, and Opera San Jose. She has also appeared with The Sacramento Chorale and Schola Cantorum.